Traveling the Lesser Road

We could all take the easy road. And more often than not – we do. Usually, we’re looking for that path of least resistence in life, that comfortable paved road that we’ve driven a thousand times that we know like the back of our hand. We want things faster, cheaper, and easier. We want an “App” for everything, and we want it now! On the surface that’s not a bad thing. Efficiency is good.  But when does efficiency turn into complacency? When does comfort turn into laziness?

There comes a point when we get used to doing the same old things in our lives, careers, and families – and we stop growing. We stop learning. But we want to keep going on this path because its smooth and easy and comfortable. It’s like running – if you don’t run some hills every now and then and push yourself, you’re never going to get faster. You’re never going to get stronger. Sometimes you’ve got to get off the paved path and run the rocky trail to strengthen your legs. It may be scary, you may be in danger of falling. But you’re going to get tougher. You’re going to build character. It’s about taking the lesser road – the one that is less traveled – if you ever want to grow, no matter what it is you do.

This is what this site is about. Taking the lesser road in life – sometimes voluntarily, sometimes you’re forced down that road. And in my experiences, I’ve done both, but mostly when forced. But as I’ve progressed in life and in my faith, I’ve been trying to embrace those times when the lesser road has been thrust upon me, and I’ve been trying to take the lesser road as it has been presented to me. Because what I am learning is that the path to realizing your potential and ultimately to greatness in Heaven lies in the road that is less traveled, and so I’m looking for these opportunities to take this path more often. Sometimes it’s risky. Sometimes it’s scary. It always get’s you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it blindsides you and you have to react and make the best of it. But every time it is a learning experience. The lesser road never fails you. It always makes you stronger.

Over the next couple weeks, my family and I will be preparing for and experiencing one of these roads to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families and the visit of Pope Francis. While we will be amongst 1-2 million other travelers on this road descending on Philly for this event, that doesn’t make it any easier or more comfortable. This is a big undertaking. Taking over a week off work, pulling our son out of school for 6 days, driving 10 hours to be with millions of other people. It’s expensive, and it’s going to be hard work throughout the conference, the Papal weekend and Mass, not to mention simply staying safe. There are countless reasons why we should not go. Work. School. Money. The list goes on.

But this trip, this pilgrimage, is a once in a lifetime event that will give all of us gifts beyond our imagination. It’s about the family, our immediate families and our global family, and it’s too important to pass up.  This road to Philly and back will do more than just put more miles on our car – it will change our lives forever. Each of us will be on our own road and our own journey, but we’ll be together in faith and in spirit, and in the coming weeks, I will document it all right here.

So stay tuned to as we prepare for and embark on this pilgrimage and get out of our comfort zones to experience what it has to offer. And then keep checking in from time to time as I share stories from other lesser roads that I encounter.

God Bless,

Joe LaCombe


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